It couldn’t be easier to start working with us : just send us the name of the show you’re thinking of attending, the surface area of your booth space and a few indications of how you’d like it set up. Our designers will produce 3D proposals for you so that we can work together to imagine and create the right layout for your booth before the show.
We know how to manage a project from start to finish, from preliminary sketches to booth tear-down and all the production and follow-up steps in between. Whether you’re looking at a classic or modular booth structure and whatever your budget, we can step in to help on all five continents, with the help where needed of a carefully selected partner network of workshops and local suppliers.
The visual design process includes steps such as creating graphics, picking the right printing options, keeping an eye on the production flow and producing color proofs. Whether you need a brochure, catalog, roll-up, poster or even outdoor banners, we guarantee your project will be handled professionally.
Digital content has become ubiquitous, and is part of the foundation for your company’s communication success. We give particular attention to our customers’ digital presence, using all the latest web technologies. Our guiding principles for your project include: an adaptive web site, security, short load-times and elegance. Our own site is the best example of what we could create for you.
Thanks to our broad spectrum of competencies, we also offer interior design services. Custom furniture, renovation, neon signs – companies often take advantage of the summer break to take a fresh look at their work environment and this is the period when we usually execute such projects. This allows us to minimize any impact on business activities.
We deliver turnkey solutions, thanks to our extensive network of quality partners and suppliers, as well as our ability to identify the right location for your event. As with all our activities, our strength lies in our ability to bring our creativity, versatility and expertise to bear in organizing and managing your B2B or B2C event, ensuring it is a crowning success.